Notice how I use someone else's book to experiment???
John Yeo's Adventurers #4, in 'glorious' color....
This website is a showcase of the work of Marc Haines and his products created for Deadly World Productions. Comics and all other art pouring out of his head, hands and computers.
Okay Killers, what do you think?
Here are the lines I threw down over the talented Dann Phillips' pencils his week end. And you thought all I did wqas play at FCBD!!!
I think I'm gonna ink Kreetor now, and maybe JUST maybe Jason will give me a break to sneak out Colony 3, Sketch 2 & 3, Colony 4...
Tell me what you think of these inks, please!
Gotta run
Okay, okay, it's been a couple'a weeks, I admit, but it was worth it! Sketch #1 went off th SIPS for printing this afternoon! Man, it is a work of passion, this one, and I hope I can keep the enthusiasm up for #2 and #3!! This is not the book you read to young Billy right before bed!
Here's a sneak peek at Page 21, the penultimate point in young Jimmy Bigby's eight year old life. Gives me the creeps!!!
I will be posting more from issue one, as well as sneak peeks from issue two:Sketch@15!!! (Take it easy, Josh, just a tribute!)
Sketch #1-look for it May 6th! Oh yeah, Free Comic Book Day! I'll be doing a personal signing that day, more to come!!!!
Take me home
Here is 'Paradise' page one!! I did this in about 45 minutes because I was so excited!!! I've never done much Fantasy work, so this will be an exciting diversion when I get bored of vampires and abused kids with imaginary friends!!!
Which reminds me....
New Sketch page goes up tomorrow!!!!!
Peace out!
Anyway, sit back, relax (or get tense; doesn't bother me) and let's look at at some cool stuff together. Thanks for dropping by!